March 1, 2015

Practicing for performance

Fellow speaker,

World Champion Craig Valentine suggests you focus on these things when practicing your speech:
  1. Avoid the mirror - you won't look at a mirror onstage so don't look at one when you practice - video yourself practicing and watch it after you finish
  2. Imagine the audience - picture the audience as clearly as possible - What are they wearing? What are they doing?
  3. Mental practice - go through your entire speech in your mind (no words) seeing and feeling the audience's reaction to you
  4. Create connections - if you stumble while rehearsing, continue as if you were onstage - focus on the message you are getting across to the audience and see yourself making that deep audience connection
  5. Bring up the bad - if you've got something you need to work on and isn't going right, exaggerate the correct way to do it - for example, if you find you have low energy in your talk practice your talk yelling and waving your arms
In practice,

Tim Wilson
Professional Speech Coach
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