October 25, 2014

In the beginning was...passion

Fellow speaker,

When creating your speech, start with something you are passionate about, then work from there:
  1. Passion - What excites you, gets you going, and which you love to talk about?
  2. Audience - Who would be interested in hearing about your passion?
  3. Problems - What are the problems your audience has?
  4. Benefit - How can your passion help reduce or eliminate those problems?
  5. Action - What action do you want your audience to take with your passion?
For example, inventor Steve Jobs was passionate about making technology more people-friendly. Steve thought anyone could benefit from his technology people-friendly innovations. He knew a common problem people had was that they had much more music (e.g., on CDs, tapes, etc.) than they could conveniently access. Steve created the iPod that allowed people to carry "1000 songs in their pocket". Steve then made the iPod available and asked people to buy them.

Step by step,

Tim Wilson
Professional Speech Coach
Free speaking tips at: http://speakingquicktips.blogspot.com
Twitter: @PblcSpkngLibr