November 13, 2014

Stepping out of the fear coffin

Fellow speaker,

Clinical Psychologist Les Posen suggests you follow these steps to reduce your speaking fear reactions:
  1. Chunking - identify the parts of speaking that you fear and work through each speaking fear one at a time
  2. Visualize - see yourself in front of an audience and how you would favorably react to both positive and negative audiences
  3. Self-talk - be aware of your inner "self talk" and make sure you are thinking positive, helpful thoughts while working through your speech (e.g., "I can do this." "It will go well.")
  4. Breathing - breathe slow and steady in and out from your stomach with longer exhales than inhales
  5. Practice - practice through your entire speech out loud at least once a day
Handling fear,

Tim Wilson
Professional Speech Coach
Free speaking tips at:
Twitter: @PblcSpkngLibr