April 21, 2015

Get the SCoRE

Fellow speaker,

Presentation professor Andrew Abela suggests you use a four step process for creating your stories in the board room:
  1. Situation - What happened? (the problem your audience is already aware of)
  2. Complication - Why is that a problem? (a major pain point that matters to your audience)
  3. Resolution - How can you solve it?
  4. Example - What's an example of how this solution would work? (a specific solution)
Then each example can give rise to a new complication which starts process steps 2-4 over again. Eventually all complications are solved with the final resolution and example.

Here's how this could work: "[Situation] We have fallen behind the competition in our advertising. [Complication] Now our products aren't as well-known to the public as they used to be. [Resolution] So we need to increase our ad budget. [Example] Our major competitor TopCo increased their ad budget last year and now have seen a 23%increase in sales this year over last year. [Complication] But that ad money needs to come out of some other our businesses and none of our businesses want to give up their budget...."


Tim Wilson
Professional Speech Coach
Free speaking tips at: http://speakingquicktips.blogspot.com