November 6, 2008


Fellow speaker,

When doing a promotional speech:
  • Find a place that fits with what you want to promote - for example, if you are promoting gardening equipment, you can talk at a gardening club
  • Publicize the event - news release, company newsletter, TV spot, bulletin board notices, talk to friends, etc.
  • Photos - give the organization publicity photos before the event and take publicity photos during the event
  • Create a speech targeted for the interests of your audience - stay away from "in your face" selling, instead tell stories and share information that relates to what you are promoting
  • Give aways - give away a lot of information and/or prizes to get the audience interested in you and what you are promoting
  • Ask the audience - find out from the audience what they want to hear about, for example, if promoting gardening equipment, ask how many people have a personal garden
  • Prepare - make sure you have enough items to sell on hand, have change, a receipt book, etc.
