September 10, 2008

Get in the zone!

Fellow speaker,

When speaking, be aware that there are three "zones":
  • Public Zone > 12 feet - this is where you like to be when seeing people for the first time and "sizing them up"
  • Social Zone 4 - 12 feet - this is where you decide whether you want to get to know close you stand depends on how comfortable you are with strangers
  • Personal Zone 18 inches - 4 feet - this is where you are socializing with close you stand depends on how "close" you feel to the other person...if you are forced to get close and don't want to socialize with that person you will normally create some type of "barrier" between yourself and the other person
Keep these zones in mind when you are giving your next speech: let the audience find the space where they feel comfortable and work inside that space.

Zoned out,
